The shul’s Education Committee has chosen a course developed by the Jewish Theological Seminary, to be offered to shul members beginning in December. The course, titled “The Ethical Life: Jewish Values in an Age of Choice,” has been purchased through the Marshall S. Hurwitz Fund for Special Programs and Projects. It  is designed to guide participants in understanding how Jewish ethics can inform discussions and decisions about critical issues of the day. Rabbi Gadi Capela is the facilitator.

The complete course is 12 classes, and is divided into three sections. Each of the 12 classes begins with a video lecture by a JTS faculty member on an ethical dilemma. Some examples are “The Ethics of Torture and Just War,” “Ethics and the Lived Experience — A Feminist Approach,” “Advance Directives and the Ethics of End-of-Life Care.” Also included are links to background readings and primary texts.

More than 100 synagogues — Conservative, Reform and Orthodox — have subscribed to the course with positive responses from participants, such as the following:

  • “…students were engaged with the text and the videos…and

benefitted from the sustained discussion about each topic.”

  • “…the course gave students the ability to make connections

between Jewish wisdom and the 21st century.”

  • …the fundamental wisdom of the ancient masters combined

with the wisdom of contemporary Jewish scholars…some issues

were timeless, and some were timely.”


Here’s what you need to know

The first section of three classes will begin on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 11:30 a.m., and will continue on Dec. 15 and 29. [NOTE: the class originally scheduled for Dec. 22 has been changed to Dec. 29.] Subsequent dates are Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 26; Feb. 2, 9 and 16; March 22 and 29. All materials will be provided, and transportation will be arranged for members requiring it. All classes will be recorded; participants will receive an online link that will allow them to view the videos at home if they cannot be present. In addition to our shul members, those belonging to the North Fork Reform Synagogue and Temple Israel of Riverhead will be invited to participate.

The cost is $36 per person for the complete course of 12 classes, or $54 for couples, a savings of $18. To sign up, call the shul office at 631-477-0232 or email and provide your contact information, including mobile phone number and email address, and your request for transportation, if necessary. You can send your check, payable to Congregation Tifereth Israel, to the shul at P.O. Box 659, Greenport, NY 11944, or bring your check to the first class on Dec. 8.