The reading by the outstanding poets will be held on Sunday 11/24 at 1:30 pm at the Mattituck Library.
For 13 years the children of the North Fork have been encouraged to reflect and create poems about peace. The 2019 Poetry For Peace Project is co-sponsored by North Fork Reform Synagogue and Congregation Tifereth Israel. Students, K-12, on the North Fork from Mattituck to Shelter Island were invited to submit original poems expressing their feelings. Outstanding poems from each grade were selected by published poets, judges Billy Hands, LBThompson and Jerry Matovcik.

The chosen poets are reading their poems on Sunday, November 24th2019 at the Mattituck Library at 1:30. The community is invited to this event along with the poets and their families. Each poet will receive a prize to commemorate their recognition in this project.
We look forward to the creativity of the students of the North Fork and Shelter Island and to their solutions for ways to bring about peace near and far to home.