The Nominating Committee has announced the slate of officers and directors for the 2020-21 term, as follows:
President: Judith Weiner
Vice President: Sara Bloom
Treasurer: Alan Garmise
Financial Secretary: Susan Rosenstreich
Corresponding Secretary: Elaine Goldman
Recording Secretary: Joanna Paulsen
Members at Large: Hedvah Campeas Cohen; Miriam Gabriel; Madelyn Rothman
Also serving on the board
Sisterhood Representative: Adrianne Greenberg
Men’s Club Representative: Z. Micah Kaplan, MD

The election will be held at the annual meeting on June 21, via Zoom. All congregants are invited to attend the June Congregation meetings to show support for the new officers and directors. To access Zoom, visit the shul’s Website (, follow the prompts, and type in the meeting code: 955110.
The members of the Nominating Committee are Phil Goldman, chair; Sara Bloom, Tom Byrne, Roberta Garris, and Susan Rosenstreich.