Monday, Feb. 8

It’s another February Fun Week on Lunch and Learn. This Monday, jokes, puns and silly stories will tickle your funny bone, when all comers are invited to bring their favorites to this session for a rip-roarin’, gut bustin’, rock‘em-sock‘em hour of hilarity, mirth and merriment. Some people can tell a joke, and some, well… But all of us enjoy a good laugh. Zoom at noon today for fun and frolic as Lunch and Learners (That means YOU!) step up and share the best they’ve got for this fun-fest. Bring lunch. Bring a funny one. Bring on the laughs. Moderated by our own Suzi Rosenstreich, whose keen sense of humor will cheer us on. 

Thursday, Feb. 11

Join Lunch and Learn today when Rabbi Gadi continues his Jewish history series with an exploration of how Roman rule, which had become more controlling of Jewish practice, led to the Jewish revolt, the destruction of the Second Temple, and the rising influence of Rabbi Akiva. Zoom at noon for this fascinating, well-researched series.