Monday, May 3

What is so great about Facebook and why should you care? For one thing, Facebook may be responsible for 17 new members of our shul this year. Facebook could account for virtual visitors to our shul from here to Israel. And the virtual presence of our programming is largely why our little shul is the envy of big shuls throughout Long Island, now looking to us for guidance. No kidding! 

Throughout the Covid crisis and the closing of our shul building, our own tech experts have led the way to virtual services, holiday events and celebrations, meetings and, yes, Lunch and Learn, too. Zoom in to learn how we can do even more to enhance our offerings and raise our visibility in the Jewish community. 

Shul office assistant/tech wizard Andrea Blaga will join shul president Judith Weiner on Lunch and Learn this Monday to talk about the ins and outs of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram and how, with a little savvy from us, we can reap the benefits.

Zoom at noon for a tutorial and a fun demonstration on how to make the most of social media — for ourselves and for our shul. Navigating Facebook takes real know-how. Andrea and Judy know how. 

Thursday, May 6

Rabbi Gadi returns to Lunch and Learn.