Dear Lunch and Learners,

The good news is that Covid seems to be on the run. Vaccinations are up, the infection rate is diminishing, spring/summer weather is inviting us away from our electronic screens, and activities on the North Fork are abubble.

That said, Lunch and Learn will  take a break from our Monday and Thursday Zoom at noon routines to refresh, regroup, revitalize, reinvigorate, and report new and interesting programs to restart after the Jewish holidays in the fall.

We hope you have enjoyed getting to know the varied interests and talents of our members and our special guests, and that you will rejoin our merry band of Lunch and Learners when we are once again hemmed in by weather et al, yet eager to stay connected to our shul, our shul friends, and to wonders yet to come every Monday and Thursday.

Thank you presenters, thank you participants. Special thanks to Rabbi Gadi for his thought-provoking Thursday programs, and to shul president Judith Weiner for gracious introductions of our members and guests and as able moderator of our Q and A portions. To our office assistant, Andrea Blaga, thank you for distributing the publicity and quick reminders every week, and for posting the recorded sessions online for greater visibility of our programming. 

Happy summer from Lunch and Learn. See you soon.