Do your recall when last we were together in the sanctuary? March 2020!
Indeed, it was that long ago.
In our zeal to maintain community and camaraderie, we outdid ourselves by developing new approaches to virtual services, holiday celebrations, parties, and programs. Zoom became Congregation Tifereth Israel’s brave new world. We figured out how to share our screens, show pictures and videos. We became interesting and prolific talking heads. Dressed from the shoulders up, we even figured out how to look good while in sweats and slippers.
But the moment has come. On Friday, August 6, the doors will open. We will return to our sanctuary…to that beautiful and holy space.
You are invited to that auspicious event. We ask that you notify the office in advance by email if you plan to attend services. At the same time, please submit a copy of your vaccination card or Excelsior Pass.
Without proof of vaccination on file, we will not be able to allow you to enter the building. For those without email, we will call you to make special arrangements.
Looking ahead to High Holidays services, given current Covid restrictions, we have to limit the number of people who can attend each service. In order to do that equitably, we will ask you to make a reservation in advance, specifying which services you plan to attend, also the number of family members accompanying you. More about that later in August. Just be sure we have a copy of all vaccination cards.
—Judith K. Weiner