As we begin 5782, the soaring spirit evoked in our hybrid High Holiday services carries us forward with renewed energy and bright plans for the future of our shul. We are building upon our many Covid-year successes: our award-winning Shofar and Lunch and Learn programs, our entertaining Shul Schmooze, the Book Circle, our Silent Auction and Virtual Journal, and the community outreach Tikkun Olam Initiative. Don’t forget our informative emails that hit your inbox multiple times a week. Ongoing is our timely website and social media presence
on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. And, without fail, we enjoy a hybrid minyan every single shabbat — all facilitated now with sophisticated technology and the combined skills of Andrea Blaga, Steve Benthal and Rabbi Gadi.

So, what are the measurable outcomes of these initiatives? A dramatic 35% growth in membership in 2021, with five new families joining in just the last few weeks. Also, a significant increase of 25% in our most recent fundraising effort with 99 ads in our Virtual Journal. Shul committees are a frenzy of activity: Ritual, Membership, Pastoral, Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Buildings and Grounds, Finance, and Fundraising.
Let me know if you are interested in serving on one of these committees, to offer your voice in making policy and building solidarity. It is also an opportunity to meet fellow shul members with mutual interests.

You recognize, of course, that costs are associated with new programs and innovative approaches that are also responsive to the ever-changing demands of staying safe in a pandemic. New technology and staffing enabled our seamless move to Zoom and then to hybrid services. Additionally, for your health and security during Shabbat and High Holiday services, we initiated door monitoring to assure proof of
vaccination and seating reservations before entering the building — all adding to the expenses of ongoing operations.

The good news is that our High Holiday goal of $50,000 is within reach. But your support of the 2021 High Holiday Matching Gift Campaign is key to our success. Our underwriters have ensured that every dollar you donate will be matched 1:1, doubling your investment in our shul. Please mail your check to Congregation Tifereth Israel, Box 659, Greenport, NY 11944, or click on the “Donate” tab at to make a one-time credit card payment, or to set up a monthly contribution.

Please be as generous as you can. I extend my personal thanks for your support of our shul, and I wish each of you a year filled with peace, joy and good health. Chag Sameach.

—Judith K. Weiner