As we approach the end of 2021, is it too soon to consider the legacy of Covid? I think not, because when we look back, we can savor our astute flexibility — our creative impulses and speedy responses to the restrictions, isolation and, even now, the lingering fears of Covid.

Kol Hakavod. Look at us. Look at who we are, what we have become. We are transformed in so many ways as a synagogue and as a congregation: how we conduct business, how we plan and execute services and programs, how we have embraced the technology that keeps us connected. As I review the programs borne of the pandemic, I believe many are likely to become part of our own legacy. Our shul has transported us to unimagined and fascinating places, while growing and strengthening our spirit and our community.

When I consider the multitude of email messages and notices we send to members and friends each week, describing our events and programs and inviting your participation, I think it might be illuminating to see a list of them all in one place so we can kvell together: a monthly award-winning Shofar newsletter, a weekly Shul Schmooze, our award-winning Lunch and Learn program about to return after a summer rest, Judaism & Art, the Book Circle, Tikkun Olam Initiative, a new JTS course: “Beyond Dispute” beginning in January 2022, the Gift Shop, our hybrid Hanukkah Party and Menorah Lighting on November 28. and don’t forget our Website and social media presence on Facebook and Instagram. Plus projects in the works: the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Project and the Shehecheyanu Curtain.

As we thrive and grow with a significant influx of new members in 2021, it is important to recognize and applaud all those working behind the scenes to make CTI hum — the Board of Directors and the many committees that meet and solve problems while initiating creative new programs, including Ritual Committee, Buildings and Grounds, Finance Committee, Membership Committee, Pastoral Committee, Fundraising, Journal and Silent Auction Committees, Tikkun Olam Initiative, Contract Negotiating Committee, Nominating Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee and, of course, the Sisterhood and the Men’s Club. This is an impressive list of activities led by devoted shul members and Rabbi Gadi, who join me in inviting new members and old friends to jump in, join a committee, help set policy and programs, and enrich our community in 2022.

—Judith K. Weiner