On a crisp November night, shul members and guests welcomed Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. At a gathering in the sanctuary, Rabbi Gadi led the congregation in traditional blessings and songs and welcomed families new to the synagogue’s membership roster. Then, members and guests walked together east on Front Street to Mitchell Park for the lighting of the public menorah.

Both venues were well attended, with congregants eager to return to the togetherness of the holiday, denied the previous year, owing to the risks of Covid. But this year, with all attendees vaccinated and masked in the sanctuary, Hanukkah revelers were protected.

Fortified with jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot) ordered by Adrianne Greenberg and delivered to the shul by Joanna Paulsen, everyone gathered in the park, where Greenport Mayor George W. Hubbard and shul president Judith K. Weiner welcomed the crowd and joined Rabbi Gadi, who led the lighting ceremony.

Photos documenting the joyous, Nov. 28 events were submitted by Sara Bloom, Adrianne Greenberg, and Ellen Jaffe.