Shul member Veronica Kaliski, who spearheaded the Tikkun Olam Initiative group at our shul, shared with The Shofar a thank-you letter she received from CAST, the recipient of the group’s charitable work. In the letter, Karina Hayes, CAST’s food relief program manager, thanked the TOI and the synagogue for 35 chickens and also the Easter bags that were distributed to CAST families. 

Popular with CAST families are the tomato plants that the TOI cultivates for distribution. The plants provide fresh tomatoes that can be harvested by CAST clients throughout the summer. Shul member Cookie Slade is nurturing about 30 plants for distribution plus more for the common ground garden. Shul members wanting to participate in nurturing plants for distribution can email with a message for Veronica Kaliski or Cookie Slade. Other members are Ann Hurwitz, Madelyn Rothman and Susan Rosenstreich.