We invite you to join us as we celebrate our volunteer extraordinaire, Roberta Garris — the 2022 Journal Honoree. For more than 30 years, Roberta has been an inspiring symbol of the spirit of voluntarism in our shul and in the greater Jewish community. From her mask-making during the pandemic, to her quilt-making year round, to the generous gifts of her time and energy to whatever the shul needs, Roberta is the quintessential volunteer.

Journal 2022 celebrates Roberta and, at the same time, supports our shul.

Are you aware that even in this third year of our Virtual Journal, the revenue from this fundraising initiative represents more than 20% of our total budget? These funds support our operating expenses: They keep the lights on, the shul warm in the winter and cool in the summer, maintain our beautiful gardens, and fix what breaks.

Now you can play a role in making Journal 2022 better than ever. Ads start at $175 for a quarter page, $325 for half page, and $600 for full page. Perhaps you may want to show your commitment to the sustainability of our shul and your appreciation for the extraordinary dedication of our most-deserving honoree with an $1,800 silver page. Craft your own message, or we will happily design one for you.

Mark your place now, and let your voice celebrate Roberta and support our shul.

For your convenience, here is a link to the ad form: www.tiferethisraelgreenport.org/journal