“Hey, Tom. Looks like we did it again. The opening party for the Virtual Silent Auction was a Wow! Bids were flying in, and the lucky winners were thrilled with their finds.”

“Right you are, Madelyn. It was great fun, and we have all those who contributed merchandise and services to thank for making the auction such a success.”

“Ya know what, Tom, everyone who participated in the auction came away with a treasure. Even those who were bidding against each other found bragging rights for other items on the auction block. I’d like to thank all those participating in the auction for their spirited bidding and generosity.”

“Sure thing, Madelyn. Everyone involved provided a great big boost to the treasury, helping our shul to keep humming along smoothly.”

“Whadiya say, Tom, are we on for next year? 

“I am if you are, Madelyn. Fun times ahead.”