You are invited to join Rabbi Gadi and shul congregants participating in a joyous Tikkun Shavuot, Saturday, June 4, from 7:30-9:30 p.m., on Zoom.

The festive holiday of Shavuot celebrates the time that the Jews received the Torah at Mt. Sinai.
Based on this auspicious beginning, Jews traditionally study through the night, fortified by dairy dishes, notably a creamy cheesecake.
Join Rabbi Gadi and members of our congregation for Havdallah, personal reflections, and short teachings on topics that relate to Jewish understanding.
1. Rabbi Gadi – “Kabbalah on Shavuot: What Do We Receive?”
2. Chuck Simon – “The Tragedy of King Saul:
A Democrat in a Republican Congress”
3. Paul Nadel – “Judaism and the Science of Yoga: A Quest for True Happiness”
4. Open Q&A session with Rabbi Gadi while eating cheese cake.