The Yellow Candle Project 

 A Holocaust Remembrance 

Please join us on Monday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m., on Zoom, 

when we will light our candles together 

In memory of the six million.  

The Sisterhood and the Men’s Club of Congregation Tifereth Israel have joined together again  this year to co-sponsor the Yellow Candle Project, to be observed on Yom Ha’Shoah. This year, the shul has invited the members of the North Fork Reform Synagogue to join this moving  tribute to the six million. Each family in both congregations will receive a Yellow Candle, to be  lighted at home on the night of April 17, when all will join together on Zoom to share this  solemn experience. Attached to each candle is the name of a child who died in the Holocaust.  Please remember this child in your prayers. 

The Yom Ha’Shoah Yellow Candle Project was initiated by the Federation of Jewish Men’s  Clubs, in cooperation with the Men of Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of  Conservative Judaism. The candle’s flame and the enclosed meditation can serve as moving  rituals and reminders of the horrific acts of vengeance that vanquished Jewish populations in  major cities and in peaceful villages alike, all across Europe. This commemoration also  provides an appropriate opportunity to discuss with your children and grandchildren the events  that led to the Holocaust and the evil effects of hatred.  

Should you wish to acknowledge your gift candle with a charitable donation, we suggest an  amount or multiple of $18, the number that represents life — chai. Donations can be made  through the Tifereth Israel Website (

This year, your donations to the project will be used to support an upcoming field trip to the  Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust for Greenport High School  10th graders. Studying the events that led to the Holocaust are part of the Social Studies  curriculum at that grade level. It is our hope that schools throughout the East End of Long  Island will embrace the Yellow Candle Project, and that we will be able to underwrite this  experience for other high school students in the future. 

Let us remember the past while we celebrate life — life that assures the future of Judaism here  in our neighborhoods and the world over. We welcome and appreciate your support of our  efforts in this Shoah commemoration, and in our ongoing education programs.  

We look forward to participating with you in this night of remembrance — Monday, April 17, at  7:30 p.m. on Zoom. For more information, call Congregation Tifereth Israel at (631) 477-0232.  


Adrianne Greenberg, President of the Sisterhood 

Tom Byrne, President of the Men’s Club