Last Call at the Hotel Imperial, Deborah Cohen

Winner of the Mark Lynton History Prize, this historian’s account of a close-knit band of famous American reporters — John Gunther, H.R. Knickerbocker, Vincent Sheean and Dorothy Thompson — who, in the run-up to WWII, landed exclusive interviews and helped shape what Americans knew about the world at that time.


The Pages, Hugo Hamilton

With Germany under the Nazis as the background, this book explores censorship, oppression and violence through real and invented characters seeking survival, and the connections between past and present.

The book was a popular choice of the shul’s Book Circle  group for its July meeting.


Tomorrow Perhaps the Future: Writers, Outsiders, and the Spanish Civil War, Sarah Watling

An account of the women artists and activists whose determination to live and to create with courage and conviction took them as far as the Spanish Civil War. The book is reminiscent of the tumultuous politics evident in the world today.

— Compiled by Miriam Gabriel