A red and white theme for the holiday of Tu B’Av was reflected in roses, room décor, and apparel as shul members gathered for a “Lunch and Love” event in the community room on Wednesday, August 2. Rabbi Gadi provided a history of the holiday and the occurrences that make among the happiest on the Jewish calendar. The kitchen crew, led by Chef Joanna Paulsen, turned out fabulous salads, served with tasty breads, and a platter of baked goods for dessert. Everyone relayed a love story with photos, tokens and even music. All agreed that Tu B’Av, a love-ly new concept for our shul, was an idea worth repeating next year. Mark your calendars now. Thanks to all the helpers: Liz Adams, Sara Bloom, Caren and Marc Demel, Miriam Gabriel, Roberta Garris, Veronica Kaliski, Joanna Paulsen and crew chief Adrianne Greenberg, president of the Sisterhood.

Francis DuBois and SMBloom photos