Chag Sameach. Here we are in the year 5781, filled with prayers and messages of faith, renewal and hope for a sweet and healthy New Year. We are at that auspicious time of the year when we have heard the Biblical wake-up call of the shofar, and have symbolically cast our sins upon the waters.
The traditions are familiar, yet it is all very different. The hugs are not there. The touch of the hand is missing. Though family and friends may be far away, we embrace them in new ways. So, too, during this great pandemic, we
hold our shul family close.
Could we have imagined our accomplishments in these uncharted waters? Services and new educational and entertaining programs. Meetings and zoom celebrations. Virtual fundraisers that have exceeded the successes of past years. And even our High Holiday services are on Zoom, from our sanctuary.

Those new and daring initiatives can be topped now only with our newest endeavor. It is one with a touch of chutzpah. The 2020 High Holiday Matching Gift Campaign. I like to describe our new venture as one of the pleasures of the pandemic. Why, you might ask? Because it is working. We successfully called upon a group of 13 dedicated and generous shul members, who have contributed to a funding “pot” that will be used to match the donations we receive from you for these High Holidays.

Please be as generous as you can. Remember, every gift matters. Every gift counts.

Whatever you contribute will be matched. Dollar for Dollar. 1:1. Think about it. You have a unique opportunity this year to double your contribution. A pretty good investment, I would say.
Just go to our website,, and click on the “Donate” button. You will have the option of paying by credit card or mailing a check.
I extend my personal thanks to each of you for your good will in this special year, which calls for empathy and compassion to sustain our community, our country, and our synagogue.

We are on our way to a remarkable finish this year. But remember, we need you to get there. I thank you, and I wish you all L’Shanah Tovah.
—Judith K. Weiner