Oculus: Eye On Art

This month’s Oculus feature was created by Saul Rosenstreich, founding member and leader of the shul’s Judaism and Art group.             Artist’s statement: This poster is about antisemitism, but it began as a purely creative exercise to rework one of my unfinished paintings. The shapes and colors that spontaneously emerged suggested a horrific monster, which I later tweaked into an image that resembled the Greek mythical Cerberus, the dog/snake animal that guarded the Underworld. It [...]

Oculus: Eye On Art2023-02-02T11:28:44-05:00

Oculus: Eye On Art

This month’s Oculus column presents new drawings by Judith Kaufman Weiner, and the raison d’etre that guides the artist’s hand in a series she calls “From the Particular to the Universal.” The artist is a founding member of the shul’s Judaism and Art group. “Drawings are often a window into the thinking process of an artist,” Judith Weiner said. “It can be the space for new discoveries, new ideas and, perhaps, unfettered adventure. Within a [...]

Oculus: Eye On Art2023-01-05T12:38:06-05:00

Oculus: Eye On Art

This month’s Oculus feature was inspired by Rabbi Gadi’s tour of the Magdala archaeological site in Israel, arranged by the rabbi as part of a Kristallnacht remembrance program and offered live on Zoom from the site. The photo and history were submitted to The Shofar by Saul Rosenstreich and Judith K. Weiner, members of the shul’s Judaism and Art group. The Magdala Stone is a carved block unearthed by archaeologists from a synagogue in [...]

Oculus: Eye On Art2022-11-29T19:12:47-05:00

Oculus: Eye On Art

Images of 75 Holocaust Survivors Mark the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz “Survivors: Faces of Life After the Holocaust” by renown portrait photographer Martin Schoeller is on view at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York through June 2023. The exhibit, a compelling and evocative installation of large images in a hexagonal configuration, presents a powerful message of shared human experience.   The exhibit, organized by Schoeller and Yad Vashem, capitalizes on [...]

Oculus: Eye On Art2022-11-02T16:45:47-04:00

Oculus: Eye On Art

This painting, titled “First Day of School,” is the work of a contemporary Israeli artist named Boaz Noy, who lives and works in Haifa. I had been introduced to Noy’s work in an oil-painting class that focused on his compositions’ use of color to indicate atmosphere, emotions, weather and mood. Curiously, I found nothing particularly Jewish about his paintings, except that they reflect Israeli locations. So, on a whim, I inquired in an email whether [...]

Oculus: Eye On Art2022-09-29T11:22:34-04:00

Oculus: Eye On The Arts

“My heart is in the East and I am at the edge of the West” wrote the renowned poet, scholar and physician Yehudah Halevi when his heart was exiled in medieval Spain. “As for me,” said Judaism and Art member Hedvah Campeas-Cohen, commenting on the poem that had inspired her painting, “I was exiled here on the East End when my niece Sarah married her beloved Adam, last April, west of here in New Jersey. [...]

Oculus: Eye On The Arts2022-08-04T10:55:10-04:00

Oculus: Eye On The Arts

This month’s Oculus feature, titled “Windows From the Pandemic,” is an 18” x 18” collage, created with acrylics, oil sticks and markers on canvas by Judith K. Weiner, a founding member of the shul’s Judaism and Art group. “I recently came across a quote from Miles David which, for me, defines the artistic process,” the artist told The  Shofar. “Davis wrote, ‘Don’t play what’s there. Play what’s not there.’ In this piece, what’s not there [...]

Oculus: Eye On The Arts2022-06-30T11:15:50-04:00

Oculus: Eye On The Arts

Two new pieces have been added to the Shehechyanu Curtain, left, a painting by Saul Rosenstreich, and a fabric collage by Liz Adams. The curtain envisions responses by congregants to the Covid pandemic and its effect on their lives. New work is encouraged. Contact Saul at ctigreenport@gmail.com to request help completing your concept. SMBloom photos

Oculus: Eye On The Arts2022-07-18T13:06:29-04:00

Oculus: Eye On The Arts

      This month’s Oculus column features a painting by Judith Kaufman Weiner, a founding   member of the shul’s Judaism and the Arts group. The work, titled “Pandemic Windows,” opens multiple windows into private worlds explored from the vantage point of the pandemic.        Each window functions within a defined framework to identify a separate search, exploration and ultimate discovery. The artist asks, “Is this life imitating art, or art imitating life?” “Pandemic Windows,” a 36” [...]

Oculus: Eye On The Arts2022-04-28T16:49:02-04:00

Oculus: Eye On The Arts/A Communal Activity

This month’s Oculus column features an oil on Arches paper (22x25) done some years ago by Saul Rosenstreich, after a work by Daniel Bennett Schwartz (1929-2020), a prolific New York illustrator. Copying masterworks long has been used to teach painting skills, Saul explained, feeling that this piece — a compelling mix of representation and abstraction, featuring a lone Everyman negotiating the edge of a precipice, his arms outstretched to aid his balance, his feet in [...]

Oculus: Eye On The Arts/A Communal Activity2022-03-28T14:13:52-04:00
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