Monday, Dec. 7

Hanukkah is at hand, the first candle just one week from today. What better way to put us in a happy and festive Hanukkah frame of mind than a program of songs and stories about the Festival of Lights. Zoom at noon this Monday, Dec. 7, when Lunch and Learn welcomes back Melissa Berman, cantor at the West End Synagogue in Manhattan, for a fun and festive prelude to our shul’s Hanukkah celebration. 

Cantor Berman last joined us for a Memorial Day sing-along with guitar accompaniment in a program of songs to elevate the spirit. She earned a bachelor’s in music from Duke University and master’s degrees in sacred music and Jewish education from JTS. Her music is a joyous blend of Jewish tradition and modern sensitivity.

Thursday, Dec. 10

On Thursday, Dec. 10, Rabbi Gadi will offer the next installment of his fascinating Jewish history series. Join us as we focus on the emergence of Yitzhak Rabin, significantly the first Prime Minister born in the land of Israel. It is Rabin, of course, who serves as the bridge to Netanyahu and today’s Israel. 

Zoom at noon. Bring lunch.