“Graduations Galore”

Considering the many members of various shul constituencies graduating from somewhere and/or into something else, this current publication of The Shofar truly could be titled the moving-on issue. Some of the young adults in the shul family, having successfully completed the required studies from various levels of schooling, are graduating and taking well-deserved pride in that milestone of achievement. And some of our elementary school-aged folks may now be moving into the summer program [...]

“Graduations Galore”2023-06-29T18:08:25-04:00

“A Swan Song”

This is my farewell column as President of Congregation Tifereth Israel. It is the closing of a powerful three-year journey that officially concludes on June 11. What a privilege and honor it has been to work with an extraordinary Board of Directors, and an amazing and dedicated Vice President and Treasurer. Who can string words together better than Sara, turning out prose at a moment’s notice? She will correct every misplaced bit of punctuation, devote [...]

“A Swan Song”2023-04-27T11:47:20-04:00

“A Time of Contradictions”

What a time of year this is. It is a time of fear and a time of joy. It is a time for introspection and a time to revel in the power of our shul community. We recently experienced the National Day of Hate on Feb. 25. Yes, it was a national event. We hired a security guard, and police cars guarded our shul during services on that Saturday. And we were just one of [...]

“A Time of Contradictions”2023-03-30T21:19:10-04:00

“A Legacy Gift for Congregation Tifereth Israel”

No matter where we live or what language we speak, as contemporary Jews, our connection to the past plays a powerful role in our daily lives. We are ever more mindful of the implications and threats in recent history, making the words of the ancient Talmud significantly relevant today: “...As my ancestors planted for me, so do I plant for those who will come after me.” I believe we have an obligation and a [...]

“A Legacy Gift for Congregation Tifereth Israel”2023-02-27T11:36:37-05:00

“Our Future Is You”

Are you an armchair pundit? Do you have ideas about ways to grow Congregation Tifereth Israel, expand our programs, increase our membership, and refresh our buildings and grounds? Do you have ideas for new initiatives? Would you like to lead or manage a new program or project? Or facilitate an expansion or renovation? Are you a new member with a fresh perspective, but reluctant to make your voice heard because you do not want to [...]

“Our Future Is You”2023-01-26T12:24:12-05:00

“From the Glow of the Lights of Hanukkah”

As the lights of Hanukkah 2022 flicker and fade, and we close down a raucous game of dreidel with more Hanukkah gelt than any of us have seen, I delight in my family celebration. What a treasure that it follows on the heels of our Congregation Tifereth Israel family festivities: Menorah lighting in Mitchell Park, then back to the shul for latkes, donuts, and hot cider shared with a crowd of synagogue and community members, [...]

“From the Glow of the Lights of Hanukkah”2022-12-28T18:53:47-05:00

“Parameters of Possibility”

Look around today. We ponder the parameters of crazy. We watch Twitter teeter, and Nancy Pelosi step aside. At the same time we consider control of the Senate, coupled with a razor-thin majority in the House. And then in the midst of all that come terrorism warnings from the FBI to synagogues in New Jersey and New York. And so it goes. The future looks like the past, and our historical memory helps us define [...]

“Parameters of Possibility”2022-11-28T11:35:35-05:00

“The Faith That Binds Us…”

As the High Holidays end and the experiences of davening in shul on the holiest of days remain with us, I think we are all more acutely aware of who we are as Jews, of our relationship with God, and the very essence of our souls. During the holidays, when we looked around our community room and at the video screen, we witnessed the power of community within our spiritual home. We were praying in [...]

“The Faith That Binds Us…”2022-10-27T13:12:08-04:00

“The Treasures of Soul and Spirit”

The High Holidays. This truly is a wonderful time of the year to come together with joy and solemnity….with feasting and fasting…and with prayer and inspiration. It is the time of year when we seek out family and embrace our shul community. In celebration of the season, in 2022 we have taken a giant leap in our financial commitment to strengthen and sustain our shul. Our Leadership Donors have responded generously: Gold Leadership Donors have [...]

“The Treasures of Soul and Spirit”2022-09-26T16:54:05-04:00

“The Jewish Dream”

As I embark upon my third year as president of Congregation Tifereth Israel, I am struck by the ongoing and ever growing excitement our little shul on the North Fork generates among long standing members, new members, and in our local community. Initially, I would have said it is because we have used technology to our advantage by developing great new programs and social media initiatives. We have grown our volunteer pool and attracted new [...]

“The Jewish Dream”2022-08-29T11:32:01-04:00
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