Congregation Tifereth Israel 2024 Journal

[pdf-embedder url="" title="CTI Journal 2024"] Hear! Hear! It’s here at last! The 2024 Journal is being unveiled right now at a the Garden Party for our shul’s 123st birthday and our honoree, Judith K. Weiner. Many thanks to all for making this journal the financial success that helps us maintain our beloved shul. Click on this link ​​​​​​​ to read the messages, the bio, the ads and good wishes, and to enjoy this beautiful publication. The 2024 Virtual Journal Committee: Madelyn [...]

Congregation Tifereth Israel 2024 Journal2024-07-23T21:40:13-04:00

“A Conversation between Truth and Peace”

Crossing the United States is fascinating, whether by air, auto, water, or train, as I did it this time. I was traveling to my cousin David’s wedding in Ventura, California, and I decided to take the scenic route. It was a different experience. No need to pack and unpack. The food was good, and the company was interesting. We stopped in some of the small towns, usually in the “flyover states.” It took four days and [...]

“A Conversation between Truth and Peace”2024-06-27T16:46:14-04:00

“On The Move”

You never realize how much stuff you have until you try to move it — from here, where you and your family may have lived, collected, and saved a half-lifetime of possessions  — to there, where a comfortable but more intimate nearby space for a single occupant must s -t -r -e -t -c -h to its limit to contain all that you say you cannot live without — plus accommodate one 12-pound pussycat [...]

“On The Move”2024-06-27T17:06:51-04:00


Last Thursday, I was privileged to stand with more than 70 fellow graduates on the campus of the Jewish Theological Seminary, which this year celebrated its 130th commencement ceremony. Wolf Blitzer, the CNN anchor, delivered the commencement address, which offered inspiring personal stories about his Jewish upbringing. He also shared his observation regarding the surge in antisemitism, but was still hopeful about the Jewish future in America. Reflecting on that experience, I was reminded of a message I wrote [...]


“President redux”

The phrase “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” jumps to mind as I venture here that nominated routinely means elected. Might not happen. A dark horse candidate could emerge, wresting the presidency from my hands and leaving me with egg all over my face for daring to write presumptively. Not until Congregation Tifereth Israel’s Annual Meeting in June will the election of officers for the coming year take place. Although past experience indicates [...]

“President redux”2024-05-28T11:48:35-04:00

Indigenous Jews on Columbia Campus

My experience at Columbia University before and after Oct. 7 It was a profound time to be on the Columbia University campus during the October 7th events and their aftermath.  I returned to school to finish a master’s degree I started 10 years earlier and found myself in the middle of the Jewish people and Israel’s toughest battles. I found out that in the frequently discussed notion of Jewish indigenousness to the land of Israel, the perception in [...]

Indigenous Jews on Columbia Campus2024-06-10T13:31:07-04:00

Shul Thanks Tikkun Olam For Mailing/Hand Delivering Yellow Candles

Greenport High School Students Benefit Following its successful campaign to provide warm clothing to the homeless men who depend on John’s Place at St. Agnes Church in Greenport, the Tikkun Olam group pitched in with an ambitious group of volunteers to ready the yellow candles in time for the shul’s May 5 program. In March, the group gathered at the shul to package the candles, carefully attaching to each one the name of a child [...]

Shul Thanks Tikkun Olam For Mailing/Hand Delivering Yellow Candles2024-05-03T14:20:39-04:00

To Make A Yellow Candle Charitable Contribution…

Should you wish to acknowledge receipt of your candle with a charitable contribution, we suggest that you consider a gift in a multiple of $18, the number that represents life — chai — to Congregation Tifereth Israel, and designate it for the Yellow Candle Project. The shul will, in turn, donate the full amount of all the contributions to Greenport High School to help finance a visit to the Museum of Jewish Heritage, a fitting [...]

To Make A Yellow Candle Charitable Contribution…2024-05-03T14:17:36-04:00

More Tikkun Olam News…

And now, Veronica Kaliski, chair of Tikkun Olam, reminds us that gardening at Common Ground on behalf of CAST has begun. To date, beds 18 and 19 have been weeded, and mulch has been spread, and seedlings provided by Treiber Farms and Marion Garden Herbs will be planted soon. And who is doing all of this gardening? A small and dedicated group, Veronica says, pointing out that additional help is welcome. Those interested in getting [...]

More Tikkun Olam News…2024-05-03T14:15:18-04:00

Book Circle To Discuss “Maus 1,” A Graphic Novel About The Holocaust

The Book Circle has chosen a graphic novel as its selection for the Thursday, May 16 meeting. The bookies will gather at 3 p.m. on Zoom for a look at Art Spiegleman’s Maus 1: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History, a “brutally moving work of art,” Amazon says. This is the bestselling first installment of the graphic novel acclaimed as “the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust,” said The [...]

Book Circle To Discuss “Maus 1,” A Graphic Novel About The Holocaust2024-05-16T10:48:12-04:00
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