Congregation Tifereth Israel 2024 Journal

[pdf-embedder url="" title="CTI Journal 2024"] Hear! Hear! It’s here at last! The 2024 Journal is being unveiled right now at a the Garden Party for our shul’s 123st birthday and our honoree, Judith K. Weiner. Many thanks to all for making this journal the financial success that helps us maintain our beloved shul. Click on this link ​​​​​​​ to read the messages, the bio, the ads and good wishes, and to enjoy this beautiful publication. The 2024 Virtual Journal Committee: Madelyn [...]

Congregation Tifereth Israel 2024 Journal2024-07-23T21:40:13-04:00

Note New Date To Celebrate Our Journal, Shul, And The 2024 Honoree

Garden Party Moved to Sunday, July 21, 4-6 p.m. Come one, come all and raise a glass to our 2024 Journal honoree, Judith K. Weiner, at a catered party in Andrew Levin Park on Sunday, July 21, from 4-6 p.m. The party is shaping up to be the CTI social event of the year, an occasion befitting our wonderful honoree, our beloved shul, and the launch of this year’s stunning journal. The Journal Committee is [...]

Note New Date To Celebrate Our Journal, Shul, And The 2024 Honoree2024-07-11T13:03:44-04:00

Sisterhood President Adrianne Greenberg Honors Two GHS Students

Synagogue Bestows Scholarship Awards For Community Service Representing our shul on Thursday, June 6, at the annual Awards Breakfast at Greenport High School, Sisterhood President Adrianne Greenberg called the names of two graduating seniors to receive scholarship awards for service to the community. In presenting the award to Stanly Rivas, the Sisterhood President said, “Stanly has faced the devastating loss of a beloved teacher, and it is a testament to his character that he [...]

Sisterhood President Adrianne Greenberg Honors Two GHS Students2024-07-11T13:02:27-04:00

‘Tikkun Olam is busy,’ Says Group Coordinator Veronica Kaliski.

Common Ground gardeners Tom Byrne and Veronica Kaliski, left, and Madelyn Rothman have been planting and harvesting veggies and herbs in the CTI beds, then donating the crops to CAST, which according to the charity is now serving 1,490 families in Southold Town. The group could use a couple of extra hands for gardening chores. Those interested can contact Veronica at Also from Tikkun Olam, the group has donated $400 from its operating budget, [...]

‘Tikkun Olam is busy,’ Says Group Coordinator Veronica Kaliski.2024-07-11T12:59:18-04:00

Graduation Day: Another Successful Year, CAST Parent-Child+ Program    

Tikkun Olam members Madelyn Rothman and Suzi Rosenstreich attended this year’s graduation ceremony of CAST’s Parent-Child+ Program, signifying another successful year. The children were dressed up for the occasion and posed for this photo at the conclusion of the program. As you can see from a photo of the back page of the program, our shul was recognized publicly and thanked several times during the event, Madelyn and Suzi said. Our shul has contributed to [...]

Graduation Day: Another Successful Year, CAST Parent-Child+ Program    2024-07-11T12:57:37-04:00

Rabbi Gadi And Congregants Join Israel Day Parade On Sunday June 2

Thousands of supporters of Israel marched along Fifth Avenue on Sunday, June 2, during a heavily policed Israel Day parade that took on a more somber tone this year as the war in Gaza entered its eighth month. The normally jubilant event, which has been held annually since 1964, had fewer spectators in Midtown Manhattan than usual because of intense security. The parade, which drew about 40,000 participants, all of whom needed credentials to [...]

Rabbi Gadi And Congregants Join Israel Day Parade On Sunday June 22024-07-11T12:52:09-04:00

Book Circle To Delve Into Family Life in Internment In Muslim Pakistan

At the next Book Circle meeting, to be held on Thursday, July 25, at 3 p.m., in Andrew Levin Park, the group will study the effects on family members held for six years in an internment camp. Hazel Selzer Kahane has written a harrowing account of the experiences in A House in Lahore: Growing Up Jewish in Pakistan.             Drawing on extensive boarding school correspondence, the book examines the power of letter writing to [...]

Book Circle To Delve Into Family Life in Internment In Muslim Pakistan2024-07-25T17:42:43-04:00

Garden Cocktail Party, July 21, 4-6 p.m.

[pdf-embedder url="" title="7.21.24.CTI.Invite1"] Garden Cocktail Party Date & Time: JULY 14, 4-6 pm Location: Andrew Levin Memorial Garden Congregation Tifereth Israel, 519 4th Street, Greenport RSVP here Click here to download ​​​​​​​your invitation to our festive garden party.

Garden Cocktail Party, July 21, 4-6 p.m.2024-07-23T21:35:14-04:00

An estimated 60 people attended the shul’s Yellow Candle event on Sunday, May 5, a memorial to Yom Ha Shoah and The Six Million. The event has been growing steadily since Chuck Simon introduced our shul to the project several years ago. Each shul family received a yellow candle with the name of a child affixed to the container. In past years, the event was held on Zoom, each family lighting the candle at home. [...]


Is Jewish Life In The South Different? The Book Circle Wants To Know.

In its examination of Jewish Life in the South, the Book Circle’s selection for June evokes the rhythms and heartbeat of Jewish life in the Bible Belt. In the re-release of his book, The Provincials: A Personal History of Jews in the South, Eli Evan weaves together personal recollections while taking readers inside the nexus of southern and Jewish histories, from the earliest immigrants to present day. He offers stories of communities, individuals, and [...]

Is Jewish Life In The South Different? The Book Circle Wants To Know.2024-06-24T13:24:49-04:00
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