Contributions in June

Ron and Madelyn Rothman

Maury Harris

Gordon and Debbie Henry

Sara Bloom

Daniel and Nancy Torchio

Judith K. Weiner

Adrianne Greenberg

Marian Friedmann

Alan and Rochelle Garmise

Wiseman Family Foundation

Drs. Saul and Susan Rosenstreich

Peconic Landing

The Giving Room

Horton-Mathie Funeral Home

Carol Seigel

Elizabeth Adams

Kevin Marin

Joseph and Elizabeth Brittman

Charles Simon

Marc and Caren Demel

Drs. Jonathan and Devi Ellant

Carol Levin, MD

Maria-Lourdes Alcasid-Escano, MD

Harold and Peninah Neimark

Robert Brown and Suri Lan-Brown

Stephan Brumberg and Carol Ingall

DEH Consulting

Peter Krasnow and Christine Cerny

Sam and Audrey Schaffner

Michael and Lynn Simon

Michael Slade, MD, and Corinne Slade

Mark and Froma Solomon

Lawrence Weiner

Jack Weiskott and Roberta Garris

Ornamental Plantings

Miriam Gabriel and Adrianne Greenberg

Nathan Graf and Marisa Ryan

Chick’s Agway

Joan Prager

Riverhead Sew & Vacuum

Bischoff Law, PLLC

Michael Catapano, MD

Clarke’s Garden & Home, Ltd.

Joseph Duva, MD

Sag Harbor Inn

Creative Courses Catering

Richard Blau and Julie Levi

Menachem Bloom and Elizabeth Senigaglia

Brick Cove Marina

Kenneth and Nancy Stein

Academy Printing

Lawrence Kotik

Betty Doolan

Charles Schnee


Dedicated Funds

Dedicated Funds

  • Capital Improvement: covers major additions and repairs to our building and grounds.
  • Archive/Library: supports new books for our library, plus archival materials.
  • Education: provides supplies/materials for the Hebrew School and adult education classes.
  • Ritual Materials: replaces prayer books, tallit, kippah, Torah mantles, etc.
  • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: allows the rabbi to provide help when he is asked.
  • Financial Assistance Fund: supports those in need in Southold Town.
  • Harold Winters Fund For the Hebrew School: supports Jewish education.
  • Paul S. Birman Technology Fund: supports updates and new communication programs.
  • Marshall S. Hurwitz Fund for Special Programs and Projects: supports cultural endeavors


Invest In Our Shul

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit synagogue.

  • Cash

Write a check or make a credit card payment.

Donor Benefits: There is an immediate tax deduction for the full value of the gift, and taxable assets are removed from the donor’s estate, delivering direct benefits to CTI.


  • Appreciated, Marketable Securities

Give a gift of appreciated securities that have been held for more than one year.

Donor Benefits: This gift bypasses capital gains tax; provides a tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities; and removes taxable assets from your estate.


  • IRA Charitable Rollover

Donors 70-1/2 years or older can make an IRA charitable rollover (up to $100,000 per year) to CTI. The IRA funds must be transferred directly to CTI by December 31 of the calendar year you are making the donation. Charitable rollover amounts could count toward the donor’s required minimum distribution, although these funds do not provide a charitable deduction.

Donor Benefits: This gift reduces taxes on amounts up to $100,000 from the donor’s IRA, and satisfies all or part of the required minimum distribution for the year.

  • Gift in a Will or Trust

Donors can make a bequest gift of specific property, a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of the estate and/or a designated asset. The estate will receive a charitable tax deduction for the amount of the gift, which may reduce the taxable portion of the estate. If the donor already has a will, an attorney can write a codicil to include the bequest.

Donor Benefits: This gift is simple to create; the estate receives a charitable tax deduction for the bequest, and the donor retains control of assets throughout life.

  • Life Insurance/Name CTI as Beneficiary

Donors can name CTI as beneficiary and specify a percentage or the entire policy as the legacy gift.

Donor Benefits: Donors can ask for a “Change in Beneficiary” form from their plan administrator, retain control of the policy; and may receive a charitable tax deduction after death. This gift is an opportunity to make a large gift at little cost.

  • 401(k) or IRA Retirement Plan Designation

Upon death, retirement plans are subject to estate and income taxes, which means up to 60% of retirement assets may go to the IRS; distributions to charities incur no taxes.

Donors can name CTI as beneficiary and can specify a percentage or the entire account as the legacy gift.

Donor Benefits: Gifts of IRAs and other retirement accounts allow donors to make a gift to CTI while saving on estate and income taxes.

  • Charitable Gift Annuity

This gift provides one or two individuals who are 55 and older with fixed payments for life. The gift can be established with a simple contract between the donor and CTI. The donor transfers assets of cash or marketable securities to CTI and, in exchange, CTI promises to pay

one or two people for life. The payment rate depends upon the age of the beneficiary or beneficiaries at the time of the transfer; the older the beneficiary at time of gift, the greater the fixed payments. The donor may be subject to tax on the income stream. When the last beneficiary dies, the annuity’s balance becomes the donor’s legacy gift to CTI. A deferred gift annuity works the same way, but starts providing payments at a fixed date in the future (rather than immediately). Until payouts begin, the annuity may grow in value, providing a higher payment rate.

Donor Benefits: This gift guarantees annual payments for life regardless of market conditions; a portion of the income may be tax-free; taxable assets are removed from the estate; some portion of capital gains may be bypassed with gifts of appreciated property, and the donor is entitled to an income tax deduction in the year the gift is made.


  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Donors can transfer assets (e.g., publicly traded securities, real estate, cash) to a trust that pays either a fixed amount (annuity trust) or a fixed percentage that reflects the size of the trust (unitrust) to the donor and/or their designated beneficiaries. This enables donors to make an irrevocable gift that produces payments for life or a set term for themselves and/or their beneficiaries, with the remainder of the donated assets going to CTI. At the end of the term or upon death of the beneficiary or beneficiaries, the trust terminates, and the assets in the trust pass to CTI as a legacy.

Donor Benefits: This gift offers a charitable income tax deduction for a portion of the gift, a payment stream, and removal of assets from the donor’s estate, which may reduce estate taxes.

If you would like to discuss any of these Legacy Gift options, please contact Judith K. Weiner at

Honor Loved Ones With A Plaque

  • Memorial Plaque: mounted in the sanctuary, lighted during the anniversary month.

Cost: $300 members; $600 nonmembers.

  • Tree of Life Leaf: commemorates a simcha or joyous event, mounted in social hall.

Cost: $54 members; $108 nonmembers.

  • Sanctuary Seat Plate: seat nameplate in sanctuary. Cost: $200 members; $250 nonmembers

Event                                                  Members                      Nonmembers

Lifecycle Event*                                           $1,000                                  $2,000

Sanctuary Only                                              $500                                     $1,000



Memorial Plaques                                         $300                                     $600

Tree of Life Leaf                                           $54                                       $108

Prayer Book Bookplate                                 $54                                       $54

Pentateuch Bookplate                                   $72                                       $72

Sanctuary Seat Plate**                                 $200                                     $250

Isidore Handler Hebrew School                    TBD                                     TBD

*Fee includes use of the sanctuary, community room, kosher kitchen, and Andrew Levin Park, also cleanup fee. Renters of our facilities must sign a contract at least 30 days prior to the event, and satisfy the fee schedule accordingly. For more information, email with a message for Elizabeth Adams.

** Seat plates are for current members or to honor deceased members.

Membership Per Year (Revised June 2023)

Family: $1,000

Individual: $650

Sponsor a Kiddush

If you would like to sponsor a Kiddish for a birthday, anniversary or any other simcha, contact the shul and we will give you every possible assistance.

Telephone number: 631-477-0232

E-mail address:

Send a Sunshine Card

Rain or shine, a Sunshine Card brightens the day for recipients. Remember friends, family, and fellow shul members on joyous occasions, and wish them well when illness and sadness strike. It costs so little to do so much. Please make your contribution payable to:

To send a Sunshine Card click here.