The Book Circle will meet Wednesday, June 16, at 1 p.m., to discuss Scott Seligman’s award-winning retelling of The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902 by Scott Seligman. In the wee hours of May 15, 1902, 3,000 Jewish women quietly took up positions on the streets of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Convinced by the latest jump in the price of kosher meat that they were being gouged, they assembled, intent on shutting down every kosher butcher shop in New York’s Jewish quarter. Scott Seligman tells how these mostly uneducated female immigrants became a potent fighting force that challenged powerful corporate interests that had conspired to keep meat prices high.

Winner of the 2020-21 Reader Views Literary Awards Gold Medal, and finalist for the 2020 American Book Fest Best Book, and the 2020 National Jewish Book Award.