Lunch and Learn is breathlessly trying to keep up with the talents, services, interests, hobbies, ideas, exploits, adventures and passions of our members — and even our members’ children. Our shul’s Lunch and Learn program debuted on Zoom, at noon, on Monday, April 20, 2020, when Ron Rothman talked to us about his grandfather’s friendship with Albert Einstein. We haven’t missed a Monday since. Whew!

But we may have missed some of the talents, services, interests, hobbies, ideas, exploits, adventures and passions of our members. So, we’re asking all of you with talents, services, interests, ideas, exploits, adventures and passions to please get in touch with Sara Bloom, the Sol Hurok of our shul’s Lunch and Learn program so that your talents, services, interests, ideas, exploits, adventures and passions can be shared with our Lunch and Learn audience.

Also, it has been suggested that we do a Lunch and Learn on this topic: second careers, second acts. Have you retired from your “day job” and moved on to something new? Maybe a new job, a new hobby, back to school, something that brings you joy. Lunch and Learn would like to hear from you.

Please respond to Sara Bloom: