Reflecting on my seven years at Tifereth Israel, it has been a dance. The shul family has been with each other in sorrow and in joy, and at all the times in between. I acknowledge how appreciative I am to have been so warmly embraced. Thank you so much for making me part of your family, and for giving me the opportunity to serve our community.

Mazel tov to Congregation Tifereth Israel on its 118th anniversary. I look forward to celebrating our Journal Dinner-Dance with the congregation and friends. May it continue to grow stronger with the years.

CTI has a long tradition of honoring those who respond to the needs of our community and help support us by contributing their time and talent. Mazel tov to Paul and Alice Nadel as this year’s synagogue honorees. As shul members, they support the spiritual, educational and social activities and events that contribute to the success of the synagogue’s program. They have raised their two children, Joseph and Alex, to care and to be linked to the Jewish people. Paul’s dedication to the minyan — the prayer quorum — has strengthened our sanctuary tremendously. He is not there only for Keva — the routine of attending services; he brings the Kavana, the full intention in prayer and study.

Every Shabbat in the synagogue, we recite a special prayer: “May God who blessed our ancestors — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sara, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah — bless this entire congregation… those who enter to pray, and those who give funds for heat and light, wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, bread to the wayfarer, and charity to the poor… May God bless them by making all their endeavors prosper, as well as those of the entire people Israel.” (Siddur Sim Shalom P. 148)

The month of Av is called Menachem Av — a month of consolation, when we go from Tisha b’Av (9th of Av), the day of destruction, to Tu b’Av (15th of Av), the day of love. To continue our dance, we have to be able to sway back and forth between sorrow and joy.
Looking forward to continuing our dancing together on September 8.

—Rabbi Gadi Capela