At the Congregation meeting on May 17, the Nominating Committee announced the slate of officers and directors for the 2020-21 term. As the congregation offered no additional nominations at the May 17 meeting, the recording secretary cast one vote at the June 21 Congregation meeting to elect the slate, as follows:

President: Judith Weiner

Vice President: Sara Bloom

Treasurer: Alan Garmise

Financial Secretary: Susan Rosenstreich

Corresponding Secretary: Elaine Goldman

Recording Secretary: Joanna Paulsen

Members at Large: Hedvah Campeas Cohen; Miriam Gabriel; Madelyn Rothman

Also serving on the board

Sisterhood Representative: Adrianne Greenberg

Men’s Club Representative: Z. Micah Kaplan, MD


The members of the Nominating Committee are Phil Goldman, chair; Sara Bloom, Tom Byrne, Roberta Garris, and Susan Rosenstreich.